Europe has often been described as one of the seven continents of the world. Economically, it's one of the most important, containing a larger number of developed countries than any other continent. Culturally, it's also significant - thanks to European empires of the past like the British Empire, French Empire, and Spanish Empire, their cultures are among the most well-known and influential in the world. Politically, Europe is home to a large number of countries: 51 in all. Those countries total 750 million people. Europe has been the home for a wide range of people and cultures throughout history. Europe’s cultural heritage is flooded in Christian traditions. However, many conflicts have arisen from this instead of acting as a unifying factor.
FCA works with local sport ministry leaders and existing ministries in the Europe Global Region. This impact is growing with ministry leaders and teams of volunteers. Camp Ministry and Coaches Ministry continue to expand in countries across Europe. We are intentional in training sports leaders to establish ministry in their countries. Coaches Ministry is growing through our 3Dimensional Coaching program leading to the formation of Coaches Huddles.